John Griffiths – Owner, Rae Ann, Inc.

I appreciate the exceptional tax advice we received over the years. The (BW team) has a good grasp of our business needs. Thank you for your excellent service.

Christine Kloss – Controller, AT&F

Barnes Wendling has been our company accountants for over seven years. Their knowledge has been instrumental in helping us grow strategically during this time. And although we’ve seen many changes in our economy that we cannot control,…

Sara Blankenship, Kaufman Container

Barnes Wendling has provided us guidance and recommendations that have strategically helped strengthen our business and position ourselves for growth. We needed to hire a new VP of Finance and Controller this past year, and they were…

Dominic Ozanne, Ozanne Construction Company

We value the trust, accuracy of information, and reliability of Barnes Wendling and Mike Essenmacher personally. Mike has been instrumental as a trusted advisor on accounting, tax, and personnel issues. His advice is always accurate, and he…

John Gaydosh, Ohio Metallurgical Service

We value Barnes Wendling’s expertise with all things accounting so we can operate our business using our strengths and allowing them to be our experts. They have also brought me a few business sale opportunities to allow…

Thomas F. Adomaitis, Bialosky

Barnes Wendling (especially Lena) did a great job with our financials. Everything. It is extremely refreshing and comforting to know that all of our numbers are not only correct, but they are in the right place(s). Your…

Michelle Saylor, Former Controller, Aero Mag

I can wholeheartedly tell you that I have yet to work with an audit or tax team that have been more helpful, easy to work with, and committed than the team at Barnes Wendling- I have been…

Mark A. Filippell, Western Reserve Partners

Floyd Trouten at Barnes Wendling CPAs is an “expert’s expert” when it comes to M & A accounting. Not only does he understand the evolving details of the Tax Code but he also sees the fine points…

David Forcier, Spring Intern {testimonial 1}

I have been particularly impressed by this organization’s collaboration and mentorship culture. Everyone has been extremely supportive, approachable, and willing to share their knowledge and expertise. The team’s willingness to help has been invaluable, and it has…

Nathan Rastatter, Spring Intern

No matter what path you pursue in accounting, whether it be tax, audit, or even industry, I strongly feel interning at Barnes Wendling would be an asset in your journey.