Address IT Risks to Protect Your Business

In today’s world of ever-evolving technology, your business faces an endless stream of risks that could impair your company’s data and systems at any time.

Phishing emails, computer viruses, domain-based threats, branded spoofing emails targeted at your employees, data loss and theft – all are real threats in today’s environment that companies cannot afford to ignore. The security software you have on your computers is only as good as its last patch, and if you’re not keeping it updated, you are leaving your data vulnerable.

Our IT consultants will help secure your system by identifying the security risks and creating an ongoing plan to maintain your system controls, ensure your software and hardware are kept up to date, and revise IT policies and procedures to protect your business against unforeseen attacks.

Our team will help your company adapt to the evolving way we use technology as more companies adopt remote work models. People are not always at their desks when they work. Sometimes they are working remotely at home, other times they are at a customer’s place of business. Are employees accessing your company’s files from their cell phones or personal home computers? If so, are they using a secure VPN (virtual private network)? If not, malware from their devices can infect your computers and put your company’s financial data and customer data at risk.

We provide consulting services to assess and develop a secure IT environment that fits your company’s unique needs, including:

IT Consulting Team

Ryan Bidlack Headshot Ryan N. Bidlack · IT Principal
Director Rosemary Rehner Headshot Rosemary Rehner CPA, CEPA · President
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