Senate Bill 246 allows pass-through entities to realize significant tax savings

Election at entity level allows for unrestricted federal deduction on Ohio taxes Matthew D. Maker, CPA, MT, Director, Barnes Wendling CPAs A.J. Volpe, Tax Specialist, Barnes Wendling CPAs With the passage in June of Ohio Senate Bill…

Considering Selling Your Manufacturing Business? 3 Tax Issues to Know

If you’re contemplating selling your manufacturing business, be sure you understand the tax implications. Business structure (as well as the transaction) can impact your tax bill and, therefore, your net proceeds from the sale. Here are some issues to consider.…

Businesses: Act Now to Make the Most Out of Bonus Depreciation

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) significantly boosted the potential value of bonus depreciation for taxpayers — but only for a limited duration. Business owners should plan accordingly as first-year depreciation will begin to decline from…

Independent Contractor vs. Employee: Are Your Manufacturing Workers Properly Classified?

Manufacturing company owners may mistakenly believe that the misclassification of employees as independent contractors doesn’t really matter, so long as contractors satisfy all of their tax obligations. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Improper classification…